On the last day of SXSW, the weather in Austin dropped about 40 degrees……can we say FREEZING!?! More than a little underdressed for the weather, we headed to Rachel Ray’s Feedback Party at Stubb’s BBQ in hopes of finally catching She & Him. After being ever so elusive on Friday, we finally got to see them play! And thanks to my press badge, I got to be front & center for it all! Although in all honesty, I think the photo pit is kind of an awkward angle to shoot from.
Later that night we were slightly less successful in getting into Perez Hilton’s party. There was mass confusion outside as we waited in a line that, as we later discovered, led nowhere! Darn you, Swagg, for leaving us in the dark….and in the cold! I mean, c’mon, it was literally freezing that night! Luckily, my skinny little frozen fingers did not break off like I thought they would.
[Michelle’s Day 4 Aurgasm recap]
We stopped in at the Swagg blogger lounge to find some shelter from the cold.
Rachael Ray threw a pretty awesome party at Stubb’s
Zooey is so cute! According to Michelle, she is wearing Dear Creatures.
M. Ward
Hey Marseilles at St. David’s Historic Sanctuary
Out of all the talented musicians we saw at SXSW, these guys were my favorite! And considering the standing ovation they got at the end of their set, I’m not the only one that thought they were pretty awesome. You wouldn’t expect a group of guys like them to play the kind of music & instruments they do, and to play it so well! I especially heart the violin & accordion players!
Cate Le Bon at Latitude 30
The Wave Pictures at Latitude 30
Slow Club at Latitude 30