Jennifer and Mahru got married at Bernardo Winery in Rancho Bernardo. It is such a cool venue…they have a collection of old tractors and farm equipment scattered throughout the grounds, and the walls are lined with all kinds of neat antiques and artifacts….made for tons of great places to shoot! I got a little carried away with shooting detail shots b/c there were so many cool little spots everywhere.
The ceremony was intimate and sweet. I loved the vows they read to each other. During the reception there was an open mic for family and friends to share their memories and well-wishes for the couple, and it was really special to hear how much everyone loved them and was touched by their lives. I also loved the twist they put on the traditional bouquet and garter toss. Jennifer & Mahru are avid ultimate frisbee players, so they threw frisbees instead…what a fun idea!
Jennifer decided to be non-traditional and wear a green dress.
I went a little crazy with the shoe shots. =P
Serena Grace Photo —
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